


<p>[TOC]</p> <h5>简要描述</h5> <ul> <li>获取药物adme详情</li> </ul> <h5>请求URL</h5> <ul> <li><code></code> <h5>请求方式</h5></li> <li>GET</li> </ul> <h5>参数</h5> <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">参数名</th> <th style="text-align: left;">必选</th> <th style="text-align: left;">类型</th> <th>说明</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: left;">compound</td> <td style="text-align: left;">是</td> <td style="text-align: left;">string</td> <td>药物编号</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5>返回示例</h5> <pre><code>{ 'data': { 'Basic physicochemical property': [ ['MW', 'MW', '459.55', ['Pass'], ['&amp;lt;500'] ], ['KS', 'pH=7.4 μM/mL 2% DMSO;pH=7.4 μg/mL 2% DMSO', '144.67/66.48', ['Pass', 'Pass'], ['&amp;lt;250mL', '&amp;lt;250mL'] ] ], 'Absorption': [ ['MDCK-BCRP (1 μM)', 'Papp (A-B);Efflux Ratio;Papp (B-A)', '8.46/2.63/21.9', ['Pass', 'Pass', None], ['&amp;gt;2*10-6 cm/s', '&amp;gt;2', None] ], ['MDCK-MDR1(1 μM,10μM PSC833)', 'Papp (B-A);Papp (A-B);Efflux Ratio', '17.41/15.51/1.12', [None, None, 'Fail'], [None, None, '&amp;gt;0.5'] ] ], 'Distribution': [ ['mPPB% bond (5 μM)', 'dog;mouse;human;rat', '86.11/61.4/90.16/87.36', ['Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass'], ['&amp;lt;99%', '&amp;lt;99%', '&amp;lt;99%', '&amp;lt;99%'] ], ['mBPB% bond (1 μM )', '', '90.76', ['Pass'], ['&amp;lt;99%'] ] ], 'Metabolism': [ ['CYP induction ( CYP3A4 ) (1 μM,American Indian)', 'Hepatocytes cell viability at 1 µM;Fold of induction;Induction % positive control', '59.6±2.50/0.000899/-4.01', ['Fail', 'Pass', 'Pass'], ['&amp;gt;90%', '&amp;lt;2', '&amp;lt;20%'] ], ['CYP induction ( CYP3A4 ) (0.03 μM,Caucasian)', 'Hepatocytes cell viability at 1 µM;Induction % positive control;Fold of induction', '114±8.67/-2.23/0.374', ['Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass'], ['&amp;gt;90%', '&amp;lt;20%', '&amp;lt;2'] ] ], 'Toxicity': [ ['mini-AMES(ratio of mean revertants at the peak of the dose response)', 'TA100: +S9;TA100: -S9;TA98: -S9;TA98: +S9', '1.27/1.25/1.17/1.16', ['Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass', 'Pass'], ['&amp;lt; 2', '&amp;lt; 2', '&amp;lt; 2', '&amp;lt; 2'] ], ['GSH trapping in HLM(10 μM)', 'parent% at 60min;Biotransformation;GSH adduct% at 60min', '0.839/Oxidation+GlutathioneConjugation/0.0011', ['Fail', None, 'Pass'], [None, None, '&amp;lt;0.5%'] ] ], 'PK (Pharmacokinetics)': [ ['mouse PK: po (10 mpk) (10 mpk,TFA salt)', 'AUC (h*ng/mL);Cmax(ng/mL);T1/2(h);F%', '2265/272/2.9/53.9', [None, None, 'Fail', 'Pass'], [None, None, '&amp;gt;4', '&amp;gt;50%'] ], ['mouse Brain Kp,uu: iv (1 mpk)(1, 4, 8 h) (Plasma)', 'T1/2 (h);Vss (L/kg);Cl (mL/min/kg)', '2.04/4.98/32.9', ['Fail', 'Fail', 'Fail'], ['&amp;gt;4', '&amp;gt;5', '&amp;lt;27'] ] ] }, 'code': 200, 'message': 'success' }</code></pre> <h5>返回参数说明</h5> <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">参数名</th> <th style="text-align: left;">类型</th> <th>说明</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: left;">Basic physicochemical property</td> <td style="text-align: left;">list</td> <td>表头为Basic physicochemical property的表格数据, 每个对应一行中1-4格显示内容和隐藏的解释</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5>备注</h5>
