


<p>[TOC]</p> <h5>简要描述</h5> <ul> <li>批量添加靶点(上传文件)</li> </ul> <h5>请求URL</h5> <ul> <li><code></code></li> </ul> <h5>请求方式</h5> <ul> <li>POST </li> </ul> <h5>参数</h5> <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">参数名</th> <th style="text-align: left;">必选</th> <th style="text-align: left;">类型</th> <th>说明</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: left;">file</td> <td style="text-align: left;">是</td> <td style="text-align: left;">文件</td> <td>上传的文件</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5>返回示例</h5> <pre><code>{ "data": { "success": [{ "Type": "Reviewed", "Gene symbol": "APOC3", "Ensemble gene ID": "", "Transcript ID": "", "Gene function summary": "slows down the breakdown of fats", "Disease name": "Familial chylomicronaemia syndrome (FCS) (also known as type I hyperlipoproteinaemia)", "Phenotype": "The excess fat accumulates in organs such as the spleen and liver, which become abnormally enlarged.[5] Fat accumulation can also cause repeated bouts of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and xanthomas (formation of yellow fatty deposits just under the skin, generally around joints)[5]", "Population size": "1/1m", "Etiology Organ": "Liver", "Mechanism": "FCS is caused by insufficient or impaired function of the enzyme, lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which is responsible for breaking down (metabolizing) triglycerides.", "Drug name": "VOLANESORSEN", "Modality": "ASO", "MOA": "RNA degradation", "Company": "Ionis Pharmaceuticals", "Clinical Stage": "Approved (EMA)", "Safety": "The most common side effects were injection site reactions, flu-like symptoms, hypersensitivity, liver and renal side effects and thrombocytopenia.", "Efficacy": "participants given volanesorsen had an average 77% reduction in the level of triglycerides compared with an average 18% increase in participants given placebo (a dummy treatment).", "Drug Bank": "", "ChEMBL": "", "Drug Central": "", "Genetic evidence": "", "Rationale summary": "1. No need for injection", "Category": "", "Area": "Rare Disease", "Status": "BLANK", "owner": "Xing", "Review": "", "FDA sheet": "" }], "fail": [{ "Type": "Reviewed", "Gene symbol": "TTR", "Ensemble gene ID": "ENSG00000118271.12", "Transcript ID": "ENST00000237014.8", "Gene function summary": "This protein transports vitamin A (retinol) and a hormone called thyroxine throughout the body.", "Disease name": "hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis", "Phenotype": "pain,?paresthesia,?muscular weakness?and?autonomic dysfunction. In its terminal state, the?kidneys?and the?heart?are affected. FAP is characterized by the systemic deposition of?amyloidogenic?variants of the?transthyretin?protein, especially in the?peripheral nervous system, causing a progressive sensory and motor?polyneuropathy.", "Population size": "worldwide prevalence at 50,000 individuals, with varying phenotypic presentations", "Etiology Organ": "Multi-organ", "Mechanism": "FAP is caused by a mutation of the TTR gene, located on human chromosome 18q12.1-11.2.[5] A replacement of valine by methionine at position 30 (TTR V30M) is the mutation most commonly found in FAP.[1] The transthyretin protein is a tetramer. The tetramer has to dissociate into misfolded monomers to aggregate into a variety of structures including amyloid fibrils. Because most patients are heterozygotes, they deposit both mutant and wild type TTR subnits.", "Drug name": "PATISIRAN", "Modality": "siRNA", "MOA": "RNAI INHIBITOR", "Company": "Alnylam Pharmaceuticals", "Clinical Stage": "Approved ", "Safety": "Flushing, chills, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest discomfort/pain, fast/pounding heartbeat, or facial swelling may occur during the injection. Back/neck/muscle/joint pain, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, or tiredness may also occur.", "Efficacy": "", "Drug Bank": "", "ChEMBL": "", "Drug Central": "", "Genetic evidence": "", "Rationale summary": "1. No need for injection \r\n2. better biodistribution with compound", "Category": "", "Area": "Rare Disease", "Status": "BLANK", "owner": "Sam", "Review": "", "FDA sheet": "", "error": "invalid owner", }] }, "code": 200, "message": "success" }</code></pre> <h5>返回参数说明</h5> <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align: left;">参数名</th> <th style="text-align: left;">类型</th> <th>说明</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: left;">success</td> <td style="text-align: left;">list</td> <td>上传成功的实验数据列表,实验字段描述参考 ”新建ShapeMap实验信息“ 接口</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: left;">fail</td> <td style="text-align: left;">list</td> <td>上传失败的实验数据列表</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: left;">error</td> <td style="text-align: left;">list</td> <td>上传失败原因</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5>备注</h5> <ul> <li>上传文件前可先下载示例文件:targets_example_file.csv ,数据内容根据示例文件填写</li> </ul>
