13. Footswitch Settings
<p>AIRSTEP's footswitches can be set to three trigger modes: press, release, and long press. Each footswitch can send up to 8 different messages, and each message can correspond to a trigger mode.</p>
<p>Footswitches can be set to two modes: normal and toggle. In the normal mode, the same message or messages will be sent via the same trigger action by the footswitch. In toggle mode, two different message or different groups of messages will be sent for the first trigger and second trigger of the same footswitch action , which greatly increases the flexibility of control.</p>
<p>The footswitch indicator also has three LED modes: Normal,toggle, and Off.
When AIRSTEP is connected to the AIRSTEP Lite( Lite works as wireless external footswitches), the number of footswitches on the system increases to 10. In wireless external mode, AIRSTEP Lite’s footswitches has the same function as AIRSTEP. Press the footswitches on Lite and all messages will be output from AIRSTEP.</p>
<h6>Guideline of the settings in Normal Mode of footswitches</h6>
<p>When the Toggle mode button is turned off, it means the normal mode. In normal mode, the trigger mode is set in each message. If you only need to send one message, you only need to select your trigger action in the “Trigger”. If you need to send multiple commands by one trigger action, you can add more messages and set them to the same trigger mode or different trigger modes.</p>
<p>Example 1: One press to send multiple messages:</p>
<p>Example 2: Press/release to send different messages:</p>
<p>Example 3: Release/long press to send different messages:</p>
<p>Note: Press and long press are conflicting trigger modes, because long press will definitely trigger the press action, so they cannot be used together.</p>
<h6>Guideline of the settings in Toggle Mode of footswitches</h6>
<p>When the toggle mode button is on, it means toggle mode is enabled. Toggle mode is to send different messages with twice trigger of one same action(e.g press two times). The message or messages sent each time can be defined in Toggle On and Toggle OFF respectively. Toggle On is the first time you stepped on it, when Toggle Off is the second time. Up to four messages can be defined in Toggle On or Toggle Off respectively.</p>
<h6>Guideline of settings of footswitch indicator mode</h6>
<p>In the LED Display Mode column, you can set three modes: Normal, Toggle, Off.</p>
<p><strong>Normal Mode of the Footswitch Indicator:</strong> Among all the footswitch indicators set to the normal mode in a preset, which footswitch is stepped on, which light is always on.</p>
<p><strong>Toggle Mode of the Footswitch Indicator:</strong> When the Toggle mode of the footswitch is turned on, the Toggle mode of the footswitch indicator will also be automatically turned on, so that the status of the Toggle Mode of the footswitch can be correctly indicated. When the footswitch is in Toggle On, the corresponding indicator is on, and when the footswitch is in Toggle Off, the corresponding indicator is off.</p>
<p>At the same time, the Toggle mode of the footswitch indicator is not just limited to be used as an indication of the toggle mode of the footswitch. Any two successive trigger actions can respectively correspond to the on and off of the footswitch indicator. For example, in the normal mode of footswitch, if a single footswitch has only one trigger action, it will light up the first time it is triggered, and it will turn off the second time it is triggered. If a single footswitch has two trigger actions, such as press/release, then it will correspond to different indicator status, for example, press action and release action, one action the indicator is on and the other action the indicator is off.</p>