


<p><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AG4y1k7jX?p=1&amp;vd_source=01ab995a7d91327b48ee510d15cc5dad" title="第一章 简介 01 简介_哔哩哔哩_bilibili">第一章 简介 01 简介_哔哩哔哩_bilibili</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nU4y1X7iQ?p=3">https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nU4y1X7iQ?p=3</a></p> <p><a href="https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DY3ZFUXJJeUxxbHhE?tab=48ddhk">https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DY3ZFUXJJeUxxbHhE?tab=48ddhk</a></p> <pre><code class="language-plantuml">@startuml class UObject class UPlayer class ULocalPlayer class UNetConnection class UGameInstance class UGameEngine class UEngine class UEditorEngine UObject &lt;|-- UPlayer UPlayer &lt;|-- ULocalPlayer UPlayer &lt;|-- UNetConnection UGameInstance o-- ULocalPlayer UObject &lt;|-- UGameInstance UEngine &lt;|-- UGameEngine UEngine &lt;|-- UEditorEngine UGameEngine o-- UGameInstance UEditorEngine o-- UGameInstance </code></pre> <p><img src="https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitFile?sign=5f2047e0225abf4f981304fe43428f3e&amp;file=file.png" alt="" /></p> <p><img src="https://www.showdoc.com.cn/server/api/attachment/visitFile?sign=174c0d8a4c6d7b6d9df325239b416aed&amp;file=file.png" alt="" /></p> <h3>AActor</h3> <pre><code class="language-csharp">/** * Actor is the base class for an Object that can be placed or spawned in a level. * Actors may contain a collection of ActorComponents, which can be used to control how actors move, how they are rendered, etc. * The other main function of an Actor is the replication of properties and function calls across the network during play. * * * Actor initialization has multiple steps, here's the order of important virtual functions that get called: * - UObject::PostLoad: For actors statically placed in a level, the normal UObject PostLoad gets called both in the editor and during gameplay. * This is not called for newly spawned actors. * - UActorComponent::OnComponentCreated: When an actor is spawned in the editor or during gameplay, this gets called for any native components. * For blueprint-created components, this gets called during construction for that component. * This is not called for components loaded from a level. * - AActor::PreRegisterAllComponents: For statically placed actors and spawned actors that have native root components, this gets called now. * For blueprint actors without a native root component, these registration functions get called later during construction. * - UActorComponent::RegisterComponent: All components are registered in editor and at runtime, this creates their physical/visual representation. * These calls may be distributed over multiple frames, but are always after PreRegisterAllComponents. * This may also get called later on after an UnregisterComponent call removes it from the world. * - AActor::PostRegisterAllComponents: Called for all actors both in the editor and in gameplay, this is the last function that is called in all cases. * - AActor::PostActorCreated: When an actor is created in the editor or during gameplay, this gets called right before construction. * This is not called for components loaded from a level. * - AActor::UserConstructionScript: Called for blueprints that implement a construction script. * - AActor::OnConstruction: Called at the end of ExecuteConstruction, which calls the blueprint construction script. * This is called after all blueprint-created components are fully created and registered. * This is only called during gameplay for spawned actors, and may get rerun in the editor when changing blueprints. * - AActor::PreInitializeComponents: Called before InitializeComponent is called on the actor's components. * This is only called during gameplay and in certain editor preview windows. * - UActorComponent::Activate: This will be called only if the component has bAutoActivate set. * It will also got called later on if a component is manually activated. * - UActorComponent::InitializeComponent: This will be called only if the component has bWantsInitializeComponentSet. * This only happens once per gameplay session. * - AActor::PostInitializeComponents: Called after the actor's components have been initialized, only during gameplay and some editor previews. * - AActor::BeginPlay: Called when the level starts ticking, only during actual gameplay. * This normally happens right after PostInitializeComponents but can be delayed for networked or child actors. * * @see https://docs.unrealengine.com/Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Actors * @see https://docs.unrealengine.com/Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Actors/ActorLifecycle * @see UActorComponent */</code></pre> <h3>AInfo</h3> <pre><code class="language-csharp">/** * Info is the base class of an Actor that isn't meant to have a physical representation in the world, used primarily * for "manager" type classes that hold settings data about the world, but might need to be an Actor for replication purposes. */</code></pre> <h3>UActorComponent</h3> <pre><code class="language-csharp">/** * ActorComponent is the base class for components that define reusable behavior that can be added to different types of Actors. * ActorComponents that have a transform are known as SceneComponents and those that can be rendered are PrimitiveComponents. * * @see [ActorComponent](https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Actors/Components/index.html#actorcomponents) * @see USceneComponent * @see UPrimitiveComponent */</code></pre> <h3>UGameFrameworkComponent</h3> <pre><code class="language-csharp">/** * GameFrameworkComponent is a base class for actor components made for the basic game framework classes. */</code></pre> <h3>UGameStateComponent</h3> <pre><code class="language-csharp">/** * GameStateComponent is an actor component made for AGameStateBase and receives GameState events. */ </code></pre> <h3>AController</h3> <pre><code class="language-csharp">/** * Controllers are non-physical actors that can possess a Pawn to control * its actions. PlayerControllers are used by human players to control pawns, while * AIControllers implement the artificial intelligence for the pawns they control. * Controllers take control of a pawn using their Possess() method, and relinquish * control of the pawn by calling UnPossess(). * * Controllers receive notifications for many of the events occurring for the Pawn they * are controlling. This gives the controller the opportunity to implement the behavior * in response to this event, intercepting the event and superseding the Pawn's default * behavior. * * ControlRotation (accessed via GetControlRotation()), determines the viewing/aiming * direction of the controlled Pawn and is affected by input such as from a mouse or gamepad. * * @see https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/Framework/Controller/ */</code></pre>
